
blog-batching Bust The Beasty Lurking Within

First stop being busy and choose to be productive.  It’s a decision that I learned the hard way, a decision to actually complete a task that I set out to do.  I’ll hazard a guess some of you might  know what I mean when I talk about healthy eating and regular exercise, just one area of life that not only me but millions of others have begun and stopped before reaching goal.  Well, thankfully I can report back to you I’m back on track with that particular project.  This is what I discovered.    

You know at the end of the day we just want to count the seeds planted and the harvest we’ve nurtured.  It’s not always about being busy to the point of rushing around and living by the clock.  No way, it’s about shifting your mindset to being organised with a well thought out plan with steps that are put into place so you can focus your time on a specific action that will produce the desired outcome.  Okay, so the results, the money may not be rolling in immediately, but roll in they will when you project and forecast what needs to be done to produce the success you want.

The other good thing about shifting your mindset to an organised way of thinking and doing, is that others will begin seeing your results and respect what you are doing some of them may even want to copy your working business model so they too can reach their goals.

Dump Your Clock   

Time is the same for everyone, we each have 24 hours in a single day, no one has more and no one has less than 24 hours.  It’s up to you how you spend your time.   You can as Dolly Parton’s song 9 to 5 suggests ‘what a way to make a livin’... it’s enough to drive you crazy if you let it!’ So stop struggling and put some sensible structure into your life beginning now.

You can begin with becoming aware of your clock, the time you spend on tasks and then dump your clock.  That’s right, get rid of that time piece that robs you of the joy of working for yourself and causing confusion.  Just because you’ve got 24 hours a day it doesn’t mean you have to idle them away and fill your life with un-productive tasks that steal your dreams.

Time Is A Thief

A strong statement I know, but one I chose to adopt years ago after wasting a lot of time and money on trial and error programmes that didn’t give me what I really needed.  The understanding that everything hitches on me and I am the real creator of my destiny, not a victim of circumstance or a prisoner to my environment, all that are excuses not to get my dreams realised.

I realised I needed a formula that gives me the key strategies to turn those dreams into a reality.  A step-by-step formula, that allows me to be my true authentic self – to Be, Do and Have.

I’ve already spoken about being busy and chasing your tail.  Now use your diary, calendar to schedule out what needs to be done to bring in the money, schedule in focused writing time, business appointments, personal development study time and private time for yourself, that’s the important part, time for yourself when you decide to visit with friends, go to the gym, enjoy family or just relax doing your hobby.  Another element is about taking care of your fitness first.

Take Care Of Your Health

Years ago when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia my world fell apart.   I thought I’d never be able to live a healthy and full life.  Those kinds of thoughts only add to the dis-ease.  Since that day I’ve learned to put my fitness first, to let go for the sake of functioning better and not get bogged down leading to worry and stress, to take time every single day for ‘down time’ and  to raise my personal energy with mind set shifts that give me fuel to live a lifestyle by design.

Batching blog-batchingblog-batchingblog-batchingblog-batching

I was introduced to this concept years ago.  Basically it’s a technological term used to process a set of messages for maximum effect.  I’ve adopted this concept; to ‘batch’ / group all tasks together allowing me to independently in advance organise by priority my time for optimum results.   An example is whenever I’m researching content for another book I re-purpose that information for articles, blogs even talks.  I’ve found that as an entrepreneurial writer it’s important to keep my creative juices flowing and use the information in several ways so not to waste my creativity.

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