Writing Small Is No Longer An Option
Writing is a unique experience and an exceptional platform to get your message out to the world attracting loyal readers and clients to your business, while you create stunning bottom line figures and leave a legacy for your loved ones.
Promotion and marketing are a natural part of the creative process, it’s a combination that works well and without it you’ll have an uphill struggle on your hands. Sadly many authors don’t realise that the inspiration to write is not enough. If you want to share your message with the public, you seriously need to pay attention to marketing and make a conscious effort to promote your writing work. Writing is an art form that is meant to be shared and it’s my mission to help those who want to help others through their message, reach out and spread the word.
It’s not always about being a sales person, do you know what I mean about having a passion about something but simply hate the sales part of being in business. There are many ways to self-promote and earn money as you make a difference in the world. One of those ways is co-authoring a chapter in a book.
Basically any business that wants to have a slice of the success pie needs marketing. Marketing requires an investment, usually a sizeable amount of cash, however with a co-authoring a chapter in a book all you need to put in are your words and thankfully a minimum affordable investment. Of course every co-authoring project price varies, but usually the investment is minimal and so worthwhile. The added bonus is that all the techie stuff is done for you and the marketing participation is a breeze. With participation in a co-authoring book project all the hard graft is taken care of, quite simply because of the nature of multi authors by osmosis you’ll find added heaps of promotion for your unique brand.
If you already follow me, you’ll know I’m a believer in PMA positive mental attitude and turning every situation into a full blown opportunity. Co-authoring is exactly such an opportunity. Have you noticed that the business of writing for a living, writing as a career, as an income producing occupation and publishing have changed? Traditionally, authors would follow the route of sending the first three chapters of their book to various agents, who they hoped would rush to sign you up and hit the publishing houses with your book proposal. The agent would then try very hard to sell your dream book to the commissioning editor and come away with a contract to publish your book, maybe even several books, and a fabulously large advance royalty check in hand. Well, those days are clearly over.
Today with the micro chip, digital printing and a demand for instant satisfaction the rules of the publishing world have become transformed. I wonder if you are aware that it takes a savvy techie to get a manuscript formatted for the endless typesetting requirements and jpeg dimensions to meet the specifications of the many POD, (print on demand), companies plus a large chunk of money to become a published author. Then of course that’s not forgetting the need to get your graphic creative side booted up to design a book cover that sells. Plus, organizing a whole marketing campaign to sell the forthcoming book or a place to store the hundreds, maybe thousands of copies you’ve ordered, and paid for from the printer.
Concentrating on a fantastic opportunity of collaborating as a multi-author and the amazing benefits that automatically come with owning a chapter within a co-author book is the best way forward to get published quickly, cost effectively and no hassle. This type of self-promotion exercise will get you out of a rut and into a creative process that brings in results.
All in all I salute the idea of co-authorship – how about you, are you ready to join ranks and make 2013 a very WRITE year!