WRITE-A-BUZZ.  Writing principles haven’t changed since the first scribes began etching out their thoughts, philosophies and stories onto cave walls, tablets (the forerunner of the e-tablet we use today), animal skin and paper.  Today people are still writing about their thoughts, aspirations and goals.  I guess it’s like a personal investment for the future perhaps to ensure that for generations to come they know what has gone before, and quite remarkably by writing the written word it has over centuries caused a paradigm shift in the whole of mankind.  Today our lives are enriched with the principle of personal development and writing is one of the core elements that instil positive messages into the brain.

Are You Leveraging Your Knowledge Sufficiently?

It occurred to me that if you are a business owner, writing an easy to read eBook is actually a very smart and effective tactic in your marketing campaigns.  With millions of other businesses many of whom could be in the same market place as you competing against you for business, an eBook would set you apart from the crowd and give you that edge giving you leverage and authority.

The 24/7 Opportunity

Imagine being able to reach many, many people who are keen to read about your area of expertise, and, of course by being able to offer those same people a useful resource such as an eBook.  Such a tool as an eBook will give you infinite occasions to build your business even when you are away on holiday or asleep.  In fact, at any time, with an eBook on offer you’d increase your clients’ expectations and improve your customer retention thereby increasing your bottom line.   How cool is that!

eBook, eZine and Blog

eBooks, special reports and white papers are not the only ways to generate a business client list, especially if your goal is to capture qualified leads for your business and of course position you as an expert in your niche.  You can write a newsletter to post out to clients or avail yourself to today’s technology and write the same content delivered as an ezine and then of course we have the blog.  You are reading my blog, I specialise in PMA positive mental attitude and I’ve written these few hundred words just to introduce you to the idea of writing as a personal development tool and business builder.

 WRITE-A-BUZZ ezine grab your copy today...

WRITE-A-BUZZ my blog post to read and help keep you focused on writing

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