Day 193
Utter No Sound

…until you are sure what you have to say is best for moving forward.

PaTrisha-Anne Todd Master Coach and Author of Pepper Your Life with Dreams at shares tips and strategies to Live Life by Design.

Day 193 speaks about the importance of silence. There are circumstances when even if you know things, it is best to stay silent.⠀As the saying goes,

"Sometimes you have to stay silent because no words can explain what is going on in your mind and your heart." 

So, until you are 100% sure, staying silent is your best step to keep moving forward.

Have you experienced being part of a conversation wherein you choose to stay silent than express what is on your mind? How does it feel?

PaTrisha-Anne Todd Master Coach and Author of Pepper Your Life with Dreams at shares tips and strategies to Live Life by Design

Day 193 quote from the book

Pepper Your Life with Dreams 

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