Day-31 inspirational quote from 'Pepper Your Life with Dreams' the book filled with motivational quotes to drive you towards your goals.
Today is the last day of January 2020 a milestone for the New Year resolution makers and this motivational quote number 31 fits today;
‘Build Your Self-Esteem’.
Gosh how can someone do that when all around the world is in chaos, the economy is falling apart, and fear is a constant companion and disappointment follows close by. It’s crazy to think self-esteem levels could change for the better and even turn failure into success.
In quote Day 31 the inspirational conversation is about; How you think about yourself is important. Your behaviour will mirror your true feelings. Today think only of yourself and the results you are getting for each action you take. Are you satisfied with the outcome, or do you need to make changes, so you can live life on your terms by your design?
Plus, I’d like to add that you’ll also be able to release your potential to the highest level imaginable.
Let me share this with you. It was several years ago when my world stopped and what I was thinking at the time showed up in my world. It was that circumstance made me a prisoner to my environment.
What exactly does that mean. Quite simply I stopped believing in myself because I let other peoples’ opinions and thoughts dominate my belief system and feed my inner critic.
I chose to let the wrong outside in.
Then I remembered those wise words my mother had always told me back in the nursery whenever I was feeling scared or confused about something. She would tell me, ‘Right now; is filled with life and life creates magic and magic can take you anywhere’.
You see, no matter what the circumstances might be, the state of the world outside or the opinions of others, the magic of life is just one decision away. What matters is that you feel with the mindset of a child, free and beautiful with a passion to explore and discover what lays ahead.
Like the child we have been we can become the magician creator of our own destiny and adopt a positive self-belief that can transform any situation into a better one. In other words, a PMA a positive mental attitude is your birth right leading you into your personal transformation.
This is an important lesson to take on board as fear is the opposite of belief which brings us back to my quote for Day 31 ‘How you think about yourself is important. Yours behaviour will mirror your true feelings.
So how about it, say yes and make it happen you'll have nothing to lose with everything to gain.
Remember Coaching Leads To Success.
Day- 31 Day-31 Day-31. Day-31