and your faith will make it happen.
Dream. Believe. Achieve.
2024 is rapidly approaching when people follow traditions by ringing in the New Year bells, setting off fireworks, giving new year wishes and busy dreaming new year goals. I've been envisioning mine!
What about your dreams and goals? I know they can cover a multitude of things to change, from improving health, moving home, taking on a new job, exploring a different relationship, even beginning a new hobby or starting a business.
With so many goals to think about it can seem like an impossible task. Yet if you think about just one of those goals you'll see that all the others are connected. It's just a matter of knowing the most important goal, then setting the process of transformation into action.
The first step is to decide - that's a positive mental attitude! |
PMA is the juice to living the dream! |
Looking back on a personal level perhaps you like me have felt at times boxed in, frustrated and totally fed up with the dreams not showing up, even though you've been working hard and trying to set yourself up to win. Those dreams and goals that keep popping into your mind are just not happening for you, and the goal posts keep moving.
When this happened to me, I caved in to those negative feelings. I let them worry me and steal my joy, mess with my health, limit finances, quash my passion of helping others achieve their dreams, and I forgot about helping myself to expand, grow and live the life of my dreams.
Thankfully I woke up and pushed - procrastination away and raised my awareness. I realised the truth in the saying; "life is not a dress rehearsal'.
It's taken time, with study of the Laws of the Universe, creative thinking, and daily action. Now I'm ready to share those steps with you. So, if you want over the next three months to re-write the course of your life, I can show you how. Are you ready to design your own future and live the life of your dreams? |
IT'S NOT A PIPE DREAMYou really can design the life of your dreams. I can show you how... |
2024 Quantum Leap Intensive
Okay, some of you won't agree with me that designing a lifestyle of freedom, enjoying optimal health, having a great career, living into wonderful relationships and financial independence are possible and beyond the norm. That's fine if that is what you want to 'believe'. However, you need to know you can change the status quo. That it is your belief system, your paradigims coming to the front of your mind and keeping you inside of your comfort zone. Those negative pardigms are stealing your life. I know because I have been there.
For those of you who follow me and for those who don't know me
yet, I want you to know that your thinking is always open to change, and this new year is ripe to catch those dreams. Now is the time to take your limiting
beliefs and crush them.
You can change your thoughts and reach goals not yet met. Perhaps of living a lifestyle by design, owning a business that brings you abundance and joy allowing you to spend quality time with those you love. Are you ready to change and begin living the dream?
PMA is second nature to me now. I've gone from worry that impacted my health and finances to a world of happiness, health management, and ambition to share my talents via my books and masterful coaching that ignites my clients to transform their lifestyles. I help others create opportunity and success of their own as they discover how to live life by design.
The singer Frank Sinatra sang 'I did it my way'. That is just one of the tools I teach to building a world that gives you joy, healthy living, wonderful relationships and a sustainable income. Let me be your coach in 2023 and show you the inner workings of the exclusive PATs tool-kit for a lifestyle by design.
With awareness, a plan of action, tools and focus you can create change for the better. I'll coach you to turn impossible into possible.
The New Year 2024 is beckoning. Now is the best time to clear those limiting thoughts in your head, to review what you have achieved up until now, and then to draw up a plan of action for the coming months and years beyond. It's time to take a QUANTUM LEAP into 2024 and join me in an exclusive personal, coaching intensive over three months.