writing-your-way-to-success and getting published
BREAKING NEWS: Indie Publishing write your book and publish on line.
The NEW style of Indie publishing has joined its sisters in Music, Film and Theatre.
You too can share your creative writing with everyone and publish your book without having to go through the traditional route of agent and publisher. Indie publishing is a growing trend of the alternative route for authors to get published, whether already known or just beginning their writing career.
Technology has given writers the opportuntiy to self publish, similar to the original idea of vanity press. The main advantage of taking this route is that the author can build a solid platform of followers - their own fan base with books and electronic publications, though not all authors choose to turn their books into ebook form.
Stepping-up to being an Indie Publisher is contributing to the new economy and helping to set a modern day bench mark with values and ethics. This is an ideal platform for great wrters who deserve to be published and read have their work launched.
My Writers Coach On-line personal coaching service is the ideal solution to getting your idea for a book ready to publish, read more about it here