Co-authoringMarketing - being part of a co-authoring book is a great boost to increasing the visibilty of your business. I just love the co-authoring business model and I've been involved in several. In fact it's such a worhtwhile model that co-authorship is a normal part of my writing life.
Co-authorship is a simple strategy and an inexpensive investment that pays back over and over again becasue of the marketing tactics of a troop of dedicated sales persons, those other authiors promoting the same book. It's a win win for everyone.
Here are five ideas I personally endorse as they support the very essence of co-authoring as a very effective marketing strategy.
Five Ideas To Help You As A Co-Author
- Regardless of the other goals I may have earmarked for my business over the year I like to include a co-authoring book project in my marketing paln. I always look for a publishing house that supports my ideals and who I can trust to produce a fabulous book with co-authors with whom I know will compliment my business. Perhaps even one or two of those co-authors might be possible joint venture partners for other income stream plans.
- Once I know which publishing house and co-authoring project I'm going to become involved in, I sketch out an action plan which incorporates forward moving steps on a daily basis that not only keeps me focused on the co-authoring project but actually brings me closer to goal, quickly and smoothly. This system becomes a routine that ensures I have as much opportunity to leverage the co-authoring opportunity.
- Usually the co-authoring deal includes the opportunity to learn more about specific topics on the craft of writing. I totally avoid any publisher who takes my money and fails to support my CPD (continual professional development) journey as an author. I like a Q&A and master class events option for me to tap into. I like to have the opportunity to include my photograph and/or images or diagrams in my chapter. This is important to me and offers me the potential to expand my business procedures for growth and income.
- Another important point for me to consider is that the book I will appear in as a co-author supports my niche. So don't get caught up in so called publishers pushing you to join a co-authoring book that in no way supports your niche.
- Finally, I like to have a structure to my writing work. So as a co-author I need the publisher to have an agreement that tips in my favour, with clear deadlines laid out that lays down a route to get me published with a ton of value for me or even pay me a lifelong royalty for my work.