TheMeaningofLifeAre you fully aware of your answer to The Meaning of Life? We invite you to watch the video below. Just so you know when we first watched it we cried.
The Meaning of Life is what Team Hoyt believe inIn 1962 parents Judy and Dick Hoyt discovered that Rick was deprived of oxygen at the time of his birth, causing brain damage. Rick was diagnosed as a spastic quadriplegic with cerebral palsy. No Chance To Live A Normal LifeThe doctors advised Judy and Dick to place Rick in an institution as there was no chance for him to live a 'normal' life. This formal attitude from the medical profession was the beginning of Judy and Dick's journey to include Rick in community life, around sports, schooling and one day, the workplace. The meaning of life had just begun for the Hoyt family. Dick Hoyt Had Inspiration And Tenacity For His Son RickIn the spring of 1977 Team Hoyt legacy was born. Rick told his father that he wanted to participate in a 5-mile benefit run for a Lacrosse player who had been paralysed in an accident. This in itself was huge challenge for Dick who was in no way a long distance runner. However, he agreed to enter the benefit run as Team Hoyt and push Rick the distance, making the event as part of his journey in the meaning of life. Training and preparation to participate began with Team Hoyt coming in next to last. The prize for Dick came later that night when Rick told his father, 'Dad, when I'm running, it feels like I' not handicapped.' The Rest Is History For The Meaning Of LifeAs the days, weeks, months and years rolled on the meaning of life for Team Hoyt grew as they competed in marathons and triathlons across the Untied States of America. Many physically disabled women and men have through the inspiration of Team Hoyt risen to the challenges of health issues and are motivated to spread Team Hoyt's message, Yes You Can! Share Your StoryWe'd love to know how you feel about the video and know more about your story. The Meaning of Life ARTICLES
The Meaning of Life a truly powerful experience for people all over the world. |