
Meetings Etiquette

  • Always be punctual, its the core element of your manners

  • Dress professionally for the meeting

  • Set your mobile devices to silent

  • Go to the meeting fully prepared and take your own pen and notebook

  • Be aware of any pre-seating arrangements, if in doubt ask

  • If you are giving a presentation ensure before the meeting if you are using electronic equipment that it is in working order and you have furnished attendees with a copy of any slides, notes at least 48 hours before the meeting

  • Do not interrupt the speaker, wait until the Q & A section begins

  • Refrain from asking long winded questions, get to the point as time may be limited and others could have questions to ask

  • Pay attention to what questions are being asked before you raise your hand to ask your question, as it may have already been covered by the speaker

  • Respect confidentiality policy within and after the meeting

  • Acknowledge the Chair if you are not leading the meeting

  • Follow the agenda and the set time structure

  • Remember minutes are being recorded of what discussion takes place

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