

Metaphysics a branch of philosophy. The 'Metaphysics' is one of the principal works of Aristotle [384 BC – 322 BC]. Artistotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great.

LCSi Light Centre for Spirituality and intuition

LCSi Light Centre for Spirituality and Intution

LCSi Programmes To Manifest Abundance and Prosperity

  • Retreats to re-align your core energy with living in today's world...

    Explore your pathway in life and capture your true conscious essence becoming energised and totally one with yourself and the universe.

    Three days full tuition with comprehensive notes and workbook. Include single accommodation bed and breakfast. Evening meals with PaTrisha-Anne.

    Locations: New Forest in Dorset, England. Christchurch in New Zealand.

    UK dates available upon request for 2013 during March, May, July*, September, November £645.

    Brisbane dates and prices available upon request during October 2013.



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