E-T-I-Q-U-E-T-T-EE-T-I-Q-U-E-T-T-E ETIQAsk quality questions to elicit quality answers. Due dilligence is part of your business makeup. UUnderstand exactly what your message is and unite your overall daily actions into a plan of consolidated action. EEvaluation and measure everything you do in your business. Apply wisdom and common sense as you analyise the figures, do not get caught up in statistics. Do the work and the go with your gut feeling, after all it is your business and your lifestyle that you are designing. T'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill was more than a book, its a business plan with a precise formula to follow. TTotal dedication is required to turn your passion into a viable business. Take action daily and course correct as your proceed forward. EYour expectations will be met when you've carried out all your tasks and re-aligned the various outcomes.